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What kind of church is this, anyway?

 First of all, WE BELIEVE 
that God is love.

Like most Protestant churches, we affirm the “priesthood of all believers.” More than most, we trust you to think for yourself – in effect, to be your own priest. As such, you’re free to talk directly to God, read scripture, and decide for yourself what it all means. And, you are responsible to God alone for your behavior and beliefs. But, good news! You’ll never have to actually be alone. At Augusta Heights, we promise to love you as God has loved us.

close up of stained glass window.


OUR Leadership

  is close to Divine. 

Greg Dover

Husband. Dad. Preacher. Teacher. Foodie.
Wanna be Singer.

Pastor Greg Dover
Eric Bebber
Associate Pastor

Dad of 2. Husband of 1. Fisherman. Affordable housing advocate. Eternal Student. 9w1. 

Gayle Quay
Children's Minister

Youth Advocate. Mainer. Educator.

Black Lab mom. Grandmother.

Director of Children and Youth Gayle Quay
Music Director Meisha Whitlock
Meisha whitlock
Music Minister

Mom. Musician.

Pianist extraordinaire.

Sarah Byars
Church administrator

Mom. Reader.
Chef. Organizer
. Coffee Lover.

Church Administrator Sarah Byars
Book Keeper Jim Davis
Jim Davis

Dad. Organist.
Numbers guy.

Artistic Director Emeritus, GGMC.

Jackie Zender
Pre-K Leader

Grandmom. Baker. Explorer. Educator. Crafter.

Pre-K Leader Jackie Zender
Nursery Caregiver

Mom. Grandma. Advocate. Traveler. 

Feel free to join us
as we seek truth, praise god,
and love our neighbors.
Each And every one. 

Outside image of the chapel of Augusta Heights


9:30 am - Bible Study/Sunday School

10:30 am - Worship

3018 Augusta Street,

on the knoll between Augusta Heights Apartments and The '05. Directly across Augusta from "The Dive."

Sunday School. Bible Study.
Music, Singing, and Playing. 
Quilting. Service And Mission Projects.
Dive right in. However you choose.

two young girls walking up aisle with parents collecting offering from members in pew

How Giving gives life

At Augusta Heights, giving is the fuel that powers every ministry, every service, every light bulb. We rely on members for regular, sustainable financial support.

You can give via mail, automatic deposit, text, “direct deposit” of cash or checks into the offering plate, or by clicking the button below to give online.

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